Preventing Gum Disease May Help Avoid Alzheimer’s
June Is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
Your Mouth and Your Mental Health Are Related
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month
7 Ways to Manage Your Anxiety About Going to the Dentist
April Is National Anxiety Month / Stress Awareness Month
Maintain Don’t Gain: Developing a Sense of Purpose in the New Year
Week 7: Home Stretch
You’re in the home stretch! You just need to find a path through leftover holiday sweets and new year’s revelries.
Maintain Don’t Gain: Winter Has Come
Week 6
For those who celebrate it, Christmas is upon us! Whether you celebrate it or not, holiday foods and sweets surround us, and it’s hard not to overindulge. Our goal is to help you maintain your current weight over the holidays.
Maintain Don’t Gain: We’re Almost Through It
Week 5
We’re over the halfway point! The holiday season is upon us, and we’re excited to continue to help you maintain your current weight over the holidays, without having to totally give up all the things that make the holidays special to you.
Maintain Don’t Gain: Now is a Great Time to Start or Refresh Your Program
Week 4
We’re excited to continue to help you maintain your current weight over the holidays, without having to totally give up all the things that make the holidays special to you.
Maintain Don’t Gain: Have a Plan Yet?
Week 3
Last week, we showed you how the average American adult gains 1 to 5 pounds during the holidays that they never lose, and that half of adult weight gain can be attributed to the holidays.
Maintain Don’t Gain: Your Holiday Action Plan
Week 2: Your Tools to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain
As we told you last week, most Americans gain an average of about 1 pound during the holidays. While this may not seem like a lot, they usually don’t ever lose it.
Maintain Don’t Gain: Here’s to Healthier Holidays
Week 1: This holiday season, take charge of your weight
Most Americans gain an average of about 1 pound during the holidays. While this may not seem like a lot, they usually don’t lose it. The average American adult gains 2 pounds per year, so half of adult weight gain can be attributed to the holidays!
Finding Balance: Rate your progress
Week 8: Looking ahead to a less stressed life
Over the past 8 weeks, you’ve seen how being aware of your response to stress can help you manage it.
Finding Balance: Exercise and stress
Week 7: Move more to stress less
Even in small doses, physical activity is a natural stress reliever – 62% of adults who use exercise to manage stress say it’s extremely effective.
Finding Balance: Nutrition and stress
Week 6: The food-mood connection
When it comes to stress, what you eat – or don’t eat – matters.
Finding Balance: Money and stress
Week 5: Examining your expenses
If you have financial concerns, you have plenty of company – money is one of the leading sources of stress in America.*
Finding Balance: Relaxation and stress
Week 4: Make time to unwind
When you’re stressed, the last thing you want to hear is that you should try to relax. But it’s actually very good advice.
Finding Balance: Making an action plan
Week 3: How you respond to stress is up to you
Last week, we started looking at specific stressful events and examining how you react to them. This week, you’ll take a closer look at how you cope to see if there’s anything you’d like to do differently.
Finding Balance: Your Stress Journal
Week 2: Write it down to let it out
Last week, we asked you to rate your overall stress level and think about where your stress comes from.
Finding Balance: Getting Started
Week 1: How stress affects you and why it matters
It’s hard to be your best self if you’re feeling tired, anxious, tense, or distracted. But those are some of the physical and mental symptoms of stress — and they all take a toll on your total health.
Join ACERA’s 8-Week Finding Balance Stress Management Program
Finding Balance is an 8-week stress management program designed to help participants recognize how stress affects their lives and explore positive ways to deal with it.
6 Thought Exercises to Gain More Peace, Health, and Awareness
Cultivating moments of positive awareness has been found to be a simple and quick practice with an abundance of health benefits. Researchers at the University of San Francisco have identified a set of skills
Let’s Work in More Workouts
Do you know what exercise is good for? Everything. It’s good for your circulatory system, your sleep, and even your brain. No matter who you are, moving around is good for you. Here are some tips for a healthier, happier way of life.
Make a Mind-Body Connection
How you feel in your head affects how you feel in your body. When life gets overwhelming, it’s important to focus on your emotional wellness. Discover simple ways to tame tension, beat stress, and feel happy.
9 Lessons From 100-Year-Olds in “The Blue Zones”
Many groups of centenarians (people 100+ year old) are living around the world today. Author Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and sought out these groups and places,
De-stress With a Sleep Friendly Bedroom
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 5
It’s hard to leave the day’s stresses and worries at the door when you bring work to bed with you each night. From keeping your laptop out of arm’s reach to finding the right temperature for you
Walking and Strength Training Make Your Brain Stronger
Can’t find your cell phone?—it’s probably right where you left it. But if you often have trouble remembering where that is, trying going for a jog or a challenging walk first.
Contact Lens Malfunction? Vision Problem Masks Stroke
Contact lenses don’t usually go haywire overnight – but a body can. Exactly that happened not too long ago to a patient of Serge Wright, O.D.
Be Stroke Savvy
Forget "Time is Money"—During a Stroke, "Time is Brain"
A stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery, or a blood vessel breaks in the area of the brain, causing damage to brain cells. Without blood and the oxygen it carries, part of the brain starts to die.
Laughter Can Boost Your Heart
A Frenchman walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender says, “Where’d you get that?” and the duck says, “In France. They’ve got millions of ‘em.”
Get a Heart Healthy Quick Start With One Simple Slogan
Remember this simple slogan: Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8.
A Beautiful Day (or The Psychology of Sugar Cravings)
Close your eyes. (You may need a friend to read to you.) Visualize a great day. You just had an excellent night’s sleep, the sun is shining, and you have incredible energy.