Retirees and Families

Two people sitting looking at nature

As an ACERA retiree, survivor, or payee, you receive a monthly allowance from ACERA, and may have the opportunity to enroll you and your family members in ACERA-sponsored healthcare plans. 


Health Plans

Grandma and children

ACERA retired members, dependents, and survivors have the opportunity to enroll in medical, dental, and vision plan coverage. Additionally, members may be eligible for subsidies to offset the costs of these plans.


Life Changes After Retirement

Baby helping kneed dough

To ensure no interruption in your ACERA plan benefits, it is important to keep ACERA and your health plan providers informed of important life changes. This section describes the things you should consider and the steps to take when working through a range of events.


Beneficiaries & Survivors

An ACERA member’s beneficiary is the person or persons they designate to receive death benefits from ACERA after their death. A member’s beneficiary can also be called a survivor.

This page is for both members and beneficiaries, with information for members on how to plan for their beneficiaries to receive death benefits, and for beneficiaries/survivors to understand what to do after an ACERA member’s death.

Report a Death


Other Retiree Programs

Family building ginger bread house

ACERA members have the opportunity to join retiree associations and other retiree programs to get the most out of retirement.