Finding Balance: Exercise and stress
Week 7: Move more to stress less
Even in small doses, physical activity is a natural stress reliever – 62% of adults who use exercise to manage stress say it’s extremely effective. In contrast, only 33% of adults who watch TV to manage stress say that it helps.* Pretty convincing, right?
This week, try looking at your stress level in relation to physical activity. If you don’t normally exercise, start simple with a 10-minute walk. If you’re feeling ambitious, try taking a fitness class. Any additional activity can make a difference in how you feel.
Open your stress management workbook and start the week 7 activity.
Don’t have a workbook? Click here to go to the first post and get your workbook.
Tip: Walk your way to a healthy heart
Walking briskly can lower your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes as much as running.†
* American Psychological Association, Stress in America™ Survey, 2014.
† “Walk, Don’t Run, Your Way to a Healthy Heart,” American Heart Association,, April 2016.