Finding Balance: Money and stress
Week 5: Examining your expenses
If you have financial concerns, you have plenty of company – money is one of the leading sources of stress in America.* You can’t avoid rent, mortgage, or monthly bills, but can you cut down on any other expenses?
This week, you’ll learn how simply paying attention to where your money goes can be a big help. And as you can see in this list of 12 ways to fight financial stress, there’s a lot more you can do. Some ideas include:
- Making a budget and sticking to it
- Cooking at home instead of eating out
- Simply talking to a loved one about money issues
Open your stress management workbook and start the week 5 activity.
Don’t have a workbook? Click here to go to the first post and get your workbook.
10 tips for getting out of debt
Debt can have a serious impact on your health. Take a look at these tips for getting out of debt and feel better in the process.
* Stress in America: The Impact of Discrimination, American Psychological Association,, March 10, 2016.