How to Use the Vacation Hours Field in the Benefit Estimator in Your ACERA Account
To understand how to use the field in the Benefit Estimator labeled “Add Hours of Cash Vacation Compensation”, the first step is to understand how vacation compensation affects the salary component of the retirement formula, and to understand the limits on how much vacation compensation can be included in the salary calculation. We have two resources available. The first is our website section on Understanding How Unused Vacation Leave Affects Your Retirement Allowance.
Your Average Salary Estimate in WMS
How Does the WMS Benefit Estimator Project My Highest Average Salary?
If you’re in Tier 1 or 3, the Benefit Estimator is looking for a figure that represents your highest 1 year of consecutive pay periods. For Tier 2 and 4, it looks for your highest 3 years.
If you are being paid less right now than at some previous point in your career, the Benefit Estimator will go back in time in your payroll records and find your absolute highest consecutive pay periods, and use those payroll records to calculate your Projected Final Average Salary.
Your Salary May Be Overstated in the WMS Benefit Estimate
In rare cases, a member may have sold more vacation than can legally be included as salary in the Highest Average Monthly Salary calculation.
When using the Benefit Estimator in Web Member Services, pay careful attention to the Salary Date Range on your Retirement Benefit Estimate PDF.
WMS Beneficiary Terminology
Benefit Type
Benefit Type indicates the category of benefits that your beneficiary will receive upon your death.
Survivor Type
Survivor Type indicates whether your beneficiary will receive a continuance or a lump sum benefit upon your death.
Joint and Survivor |
Member Statement Details
This web page describes in more detail each section of the ACERA Member Statement you generated in Web Member Services.
Official plan documents govern your plan eligibility and benefits. Refer to Planning Your Retirement section for a more detailed description of your benefits. Benefits may be subject to change.