Consider Joining a Retiree Association


People meeting in a library

Retired member associations advocate for ACERA retirees. They publish newsletters and hold social events for ACERA retirees and surviving beneficiaries. Members of these associations normally attend ACERA Board and Committee meetings, and ACERA staff attend the associations’ respective board meetings to maintain a close working relationship. The associations also lobby on behalf of retirees. Membership is optional.

If you sign up, monthly dues will be deducted from your retirement allowance. In the event of your death, your spouse/domestic partner can continue membership.


Sign Up at Retirement on Your Retirement Application

You can sign up for one or both associations on your Retirement Application at the time of retirement.

Sign Up On Your REtirement Application

If you want to sign up later in retirement, use the forms linked in the buttons below.


ACRE – Alameda County Retired Employees (sponsored by SEIU Local 1021)

Dues: $3 per month

The Alameda County Retired Employees organization (ACRE) has advocated for Alameda County retirees since 1926. It is a chapter of SEIU Local 1021, formerly SEIU Local 616. ACRE works with active Alameda County employees on issues of common concern, such as endorsing and helping to elect members to the ACERA Board of Retirement, ensuring the sustainability of retiree health plan benefits, and working to ensure the financial integrity of the retirement fund. ACRE works with the California Retirees’ County Employees Association (CRCEA) legislative committee and the SEIU State Council on bills to improve retiree benefits. The organization also works with the State Association of County Retirement Systems (SACRS) and the Congress of California Seniors. Membership may include a death benefit.

Call 510-350-4527 for more information.

ACRE Enrollment Form


REAC - Retired Employees of Alameda County

Dues: $2 per month

The Retired Employees of Alameda County (REAC) is a non-profit association of over 4,000 ACERA retirees and beneficiaries. REAC publishes and mails the REAC News every month. This publication advises REAC members of retiree related activities, information, and benefits. It also includes the names of the most recent ACERA retirees and the names of recently deceased retirees and beneficiaries.  

REAC Board members attend and participate in ACERA Committee and Board of Retirement meetings and Alameda County Board of Supervisors meetings on issues that affect retirees and their benefits. ACERA staff attend monthly REAC Board meetings to discuss current retirement issues and concerns.  

In addition, REAC assists retirees and beneficiaries with any problems they might have in obtaining medical benefits/ reimbursements.

Visit for more information.

REAC Enrollment Form