Information for Retirees Considering Returning to Work in Critical Positions for Alameda County, Alameda Health System, or Other ACERA Participating Employers


UPDATE 8/18/2021: Governor Newsom has suspended by executive order and until further notice, the restriction on retired annuitants working more than 960 hours per fiscal year for one of ACERA’s participating employers. Please review the current restrictions and duration limits on our Working After Retirement page.

UPDATE 7/1/2021: Governor Newsom has lifted the waiver on the restrictions and duration limits for ACERA retirees returning to work for ACERA’s participating employers. The normal rules for working after retirement are reinstated.

Under normal circumstances, there are restrictions and duration limits for ACERA retirees returning to work for public agencies that participate in ACERA. Most of those restrictions and limits have been suspended during the emergency. If an ACERA employer determines it is essential to bring a retiree back into service during the emergency, the only remaining restriction pertains to retirees who have received unemployment insurance compensation in the 12 months before returning to work. 

This suspension of the normal rules is expected only for the duration of the Governor’s declared emergency. Once that declaration is over, ACERA expects that all the normal rules will apply. 

Retirees considering returning to work to assist in the COVID-19 response efforts should contact their former employers for more information. ACERA does not make the determination of who can and cannot be brought back into service during the emergency. Employers make that determination.