Exploring a Private Healthcare Exchange for Early Retirees


ACERA is exploring the option of providing medical care plans to early retirees (not eligible for Medicare) through a private health insurance exchange in order to control healthcare costs and offer plans in more service areas. Benefits facilitators in the exchange would help members enroll in an individual medical insurance/prescription plan and use their Monthly Medical Allowance to offset the cost of the plan if eligible.

ACERA conducted a Request For Proposal (RFP) in February and March to gather the information we need to determine if this is a viable option for our members, and we’re currently reviewing responses. If a decision is made to proceed with a private exchange, an announcement will be made in mid-2014.

For more information on a few of the questions ACERA is seeking to answer in our exploratory phase, please see the attached memo to the April 2014 Retirees Committee.