Live Well Articles & Tips
Let’s Work in More Workouts
Do you know what exercise is good for? Everything. It’s good for your circulatory system, your sleep, and even your brain. No matter who you are, moving around is good for you. Here are some tips for a healthier, happier way of life.
Make a Mind-Body Connection
How you feel in your head affects how you feel in your body. When life gets overwhelming, it’s important to focus on your emotional wellness. Discover simple ways to tame tension, beat stress, and feel happy.
How to Deal With Sugar Cravings
Consuming excesses sugar can affect your sleep and lead you into a vicious cycle of low energy and high sugar consumption. But you can reset your body to consume less—or no—added sugar, and you will feel incredible.
Here’s To A More Rested You!
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 7
Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our Rest and Revive program. Over the last few weeks, you’ve learned about fighting common sleep thieves, making changes to your bedroom,
What To Do If You Still Can’t Sleep
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 6
If you’re not sleeping better after just a few weeks, don’t worry. Making lasting behavior changes takes time—and you can’t fix everything all at once.
De-stress With a Sleep Friendly Bedroom
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 5
It’s hard to leave the day’s stresses and worries at the door when you bring work to bed with you each night. From keeping your laptop out of arm’s reach to finding the right temperature for you
Analyzing Your Sleep Logs
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 3
Now that you’ve filled out your logs for two weeks, it’s time to look at what they’re telling you.
Learn How Much Sleep You Need, and Pay Off Your Sleep Debt
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 2
After a week of keeping your logs, you may be wondering how much sleep you actually need.
Simple solutions for a good night’s sleep: Where you are, and where you want to be?
Rest and Revive Self-Guided Sleep Program - Week 1
Going to sleep is part of your daily routine—after all, you do it every night. But are you getting the right kind of shut-eye?
Love Your Heart Every Day
Be good to your heart, and your heart will be good to you. What goes around, comes around; that’s pretty much how the cardiovascular system works!
Amplify Your Energy Today
Start Off the New Year With an Energy Boost
Working out works wonders. It builds muscle and self-confidence. It boosts the metabolism and the immune system. Most importantly, it benefits the body and the mind.
Strength Training For Everyone
Do healthy, ripped bodies only belong to the young? Not if you’re Ernestine Shepherd. At 77, she’s the world’s oldest female bodybuilder and in a short, 8-minute documentary from Prevention Magazine, you can follow a day in her life.
Celebrate Summer
(And Get Help Taking Off a Few Pounds)
This month, skip the gym and get active outdoors instead.
Benefits of the Dinner Table Ritual
Published in the New York Times
The family dinner has long been an example of family togetherness. Recently, scientists have been coming up with compelling reasons
Contact Lens Malfunction? Vision Problem Masks Stroke
Contact lenses don’t usually go haywire overnight – but a body can. Exactly that happened not too long ago to a patient of Serge Wright, O.D.
Be Stroke Savvy
Forget "Time is Money"—During a Stroke, "Time is Brain"
A stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery, or a blood vessel breaks in the area of the brain, causing damage to brain cells. Without blood and the oxygen it carries, part of the brain starts to die.
Laughter Can Boost Your Heart
A Frenchman walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender says, “Where’d you get that?” and the duck says, “In France. They’ve got millions of ‘em.”
Liquid Energy: Instantly Boost Your Health
Hydration is valuable. Good hydration is central to your most basic physiological functions, including regulating blood pressure, body temperature, and digestion.
Can You Prevent Cancer?
Cancer is not totally outside your control. Although genetic factors may cause cancer, inherited genes are responsible for a fraction of cancers.
Get a Heart Healthy Quick Start With One Simple Slogan
Remember this simple slogan: Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8.